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Could I just say to Red from the Avenue Road the united Ireland is almost here, Sinn Fein have come a long way.

Went to Tesco with two children, got a baby space and a man parked beside me with a child’s seat minus the child, also disabled park in them as well even though there is ample spaces for them. Tesco needs to deal with this as baby spaces are hard to get, parents are not looking close to the door just room to get kids in and out putting them at the back of the park would be an option have some consideration and leave the baby spaces for kids.

I was in Tesco and confronted a lady who drove into a toddler space. She told me she had just dropped her husband and children off at the front door. But five minutes later she left Tesco with a bag of groceries with no husband and no kids. Liar. This is a disgrace. People get penalised for parking in a disabled space, why not in parent spaces.